How to Paint a Wrought-Iron Fence


Wrought-iron fences can help raise the aesthetics of a yard to another level. They are a stunning addition to any household, but they need to be properly painted to make the most of their yard-enhancing capabilities. However, painting a wrought-iron fence can be tricky, which is why we’ve created a guide on how to do it correctly.

In this entry, we’ll go through every step of painting a wrought-iron fence.

Prepare properly

Before the paint job, don’t forget to prepare the fence. First, get rid of rust and debris using a wire brush. To expedite the process, treat the fence using a drill with a wire wheel fixed to the end.

Second, start sanding to remove any peeling or chipped paint and provide the new paint with a rough exterior. Then wipe the fence with a rag and wash the fence using mineral spirits. The spirits will help remove any remaining residue. Rewash the fence with plain water to eliminate any mineral spirits left on the surface. This step is crucial since mineral spirits can prevent the fence from absorbing paint.

Lastly, ensure that the area surrounding the fence is covered with a tarp since the paint and primer can stain vegetation, windows, and cement. Another useful tip is to water the garden before starting the paint job; it helps prevent stains as the paint won’t stick to the plants easily due to the moisture.

Start painting

Begin by spreading an anti-rust primer. Many hardware stores have great primers in aerosol or liquid form. However, an aerosol primer may be the better alternative for a wrought-iron fence since it makes it easier to apply intricate patterns and small details.

When using an aerosol, the distance between the nozzle and the fence should be just a few inches. If they are too close, the aerosol can drip, and holding the aerosol too far will lead to inadequate coating.

Once the primer has been applied, let it dry. Every primer has a specific drying time, but most types take between one and three hours.

After the primer dries, apply rust-proof paint in its liquid or aerosol form. No matter the type, pay special attention to the fence’s details. Keep track of any patchy areas and drips.

It’s time for a perfect paint job

If you’ve already put up a wrought-iron fence in the yard, it’s time to give it a suitable paint job. All in all, don’t rush headlong into the task. Carefully prepare the surface as described above, and only then should you proceed to paint. Go slowly, and all sections of the fence will look even more stunning after the painting.

M & B Painting, a Father-Son family-run business, has a proven record of Service Excellence in residential and commercial interior and exterior paint projects. Call us at 623-289-3366 for all of your painting needs!