To Paint or to Stain? How to Treat a Wooden Fence

Whether a fence is brand-new and ready for a topcoat or old and in need of some refurbishment, choosing between staining and painting can be a difficult decision.

However, it would help if you took action as all high-quality wooden fencing needs treatment. It will shield it from rot and fungal decay. We will discuss the merits of painting and staining as fence treatments.

The difference between paint and stain

Paint typically sits on the surface of the wood, whereas staining soaks into the wood entirely. Paint is ideal if the goal is to transform the fence's look dramatically. On the other hand, staining has a more gradual effect.

Additionally, staining is more watery and can be applied using a sprayer or brush. Paint, however, tends to have a thicker consistency and needs a brush or roller for application. Whichever option homeowners choose, they should cover the material to a high standard to achieve the desired effect. For this reason, it's worth hiring an expert to complete the job as they are less likely to make mistakes.

The case for paint

Paint is cheap and straightforward to apply with either a brush or roller. When compared to staining, painting also offers a broader range of colors for users to explore. If homeowners are looking for a dramatic color change, then paint is the way to go. Additionally, using paint allows homeowners to get more creative with designs.

The case for staining

While painting may cost less than staining, it may not last as long as the latter. Over time, the paint will wear out and need a new layer applied once cracking and peeling begins.

Sanding it can be a bit of a job. However, staining requires a lot less maintenance once applied. Eventually, it too will need to be re-applied but not as regularly as paint. Plus, re-staining a fence is a straightforward process. All that is required is a good power wash to re-apply. What's more, staining is exceptionally easy to apply.

The cost

Cost-wise it's possible to make a case for either type of fence treatment. Generally, it costs less to invest in the paint than to stain as more stain is often needed for the job. However, staining doesn't require regular reapplication, which could save homeowners some money in the long run.

Hire a professional to get the best fence treatment

Whether you decide to opt for painting or staining, both options help improve the fence's overall longevity. However, hiring an expert to get the job done is the best way to go. A professional is more likely to pay attention to detail while taking their time to ensure a high-quality, completed job.

M & B Painting, a Father-Son family-run business, has a proven record of Service Excellence in residential and commercial interior and exterior paint projects. Call us at 623-289-3366 for all of your painting needs!