Holiday Painting Ideas

Are you considering having company for the holidays and want to spruce up your home? There are a variety of ways to make your home look refreshed and attractive before the holiday company arrives. Consider having professional, high-quality painters paint one or more of the following options:



The kitchen is the heart of your home. Repainting or refinishing cabinets or walls will make a kitchen look refreshed. Because of lighting and other factors, it’s difficult to hide an ugly or shabby kitchen.


A bathroom can be meticulously clean, but if the paint is faded or dingy, the room won’t look as fresh as it could. Bathroom cabinets can also be painted, which will make the bathroom look like new.

Paint a wall

If you’ve already put up your holiday decorations, an accent wall will be just enough to send the message that you care about your home without having the hassle of a full-on painting. An accent wall can be painted to match your furniture or decor and is genuinely a thoughtful way to make the most of limited time and resources.

Paint the foyer or hallway

First impressions can be lasting, so painting the foyer is a limited project which can produce eye-popping results. It’s the interior version of ‘curb appeal’ and will instantly make you feel better about your home. Anyone who has children knows that the hallway can take a lot of abuse, so painting a hard-used hallway might be a better option than trying to wash around those nicks and chipped corners in the hall.

Paint the spare room

If you have company coming to stay, sometimes painting the room where they are staying is enough to leave the impression that you care about them and their visit. You can even combine this with another painting project, such as the hallway or foyer, to make and even bigger impression.

Where you decide to paint is a very personal and situational decision. If fiscal resources are tight, a smaller job won’t set the family back too far but will spruce up the home. A homeowner can choose the same color that is already on the walls, use a neutral shade, or find a color that will pop. As you can see, there are many options to make a home look attractive without painting the entire interior.


Some people are happy with their interior but feel their exterior can use a facelift. The easiest way to make an impact without painting the entire home is to paint a specific element. Some people choose the garage door because it takes so much visual real estate. Others opt for the front door, trim, or front fence.

Regardless of what you decide, if you want professional painting in a limited capacity to spruce up your home before the holidays, look no further! We can help.

M & B Painting, a Father-Son family-run business, has a proven record of Service Excellence in residential and commercial interior and exterior paint projects. Call us at 623-289-3366 for all of your painting needs!